We can supply and deliver Kornet E 9M133-1 for military and army use in large quantity all categories: Factory New, New Surplus and Used Surplus.

Basic specifications
Range of fire m day/night 100-5,500/-3,500
9M133-1 armour penetration mm 1,000-1,200
ERA penetration provided
Missile calibre mm 152
Weight, kg: 9M133-1 missile in TLC 29
launcher 26
thermal sight 11
Operating temperature range oC ±50

Kornet anti-tank missile
The particular launcher shoots Kornet missiles together with conjunction designed fee HEAT warheads in order to eliminate tanks fitted together with YEARS or even together with substantial explosive and incendiary (thermo baric effect) warheads, intended for use next to bunkers, fortifications as well as flame emplacements.
Armor transmission to the HEAT warhead will be reported to get 1, 200mm. Range will be 5km.
The particular missile possesses semi-automatic command-to-line-of-sight (SACLOS) laser beam riding direction, traveling on the brand of look to have interaction the prospective head on inside a primary invasion report.

Good Kornet missile process, this KBP Instrument Pattern Doing Agency produced this Kliver missile and firearm turret, which is often, placed on a range of automobiles like the Russian Army’s BTR-80 armored staff member’s service as well as BMP-1 infantry fighting car. It can also be installed in little lines like resort patrol fishing boats.
The particular Kliver turret bears 4 Kornet missiles plus a 30mm 2A72 firearm. The particular firearm possesses a selection of 4, 000m which enable it to flame on the price connected with 350-400 models a few minutes. There’s also a 7. 62mm PKT device firearm. Complete excess weight with the turret is just about 1, 500kg, which includes ammunition as well as missiles.
The particular automatic flame command process contains ballistic computer, arctic look, and laser rangefinder as well as stabilization process. The particular turret features a 360° navigate as well as an slope connected with -15° in order to +60°.


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